November 28, 2023
Last year YOU helped us raise $18,000 which provided six women with room and board for 6 months! Because of your generosity we are raising our goal to $25,000. These funds will provide room and board for six women for eight months!
In 2024 Crossroads will celebrate our 50th anniversary. For nearly 50 years, Crossroads has assisted hundreds of women making the transition from incarceration to independence. We were the first program in California to take women with life sentences. We can’t continue to do this vital work without your support!
“This June will mark three years that I’ve been a bus operator with Foothill Transit. In the course of my career, I became a line instructor and was given the responsibility of instructing the new trainees before they are allowed to drive on their own. And just recently was given the opportunity to move up in the company and become a route supervisor. I went from serving a life sentence to supervising 250 bus drivers. And I couldn’t have done it without the help of Crossroads.” Bernadette, Crossroads’ graduate
Will you join us in raising $25,000 for these women by donating for #GivingTuesday?